Word spawned ideas •
05/31/17 You are walking with your friend to a cafe. You are now aware of screaming and sirens. Your friend is no longer next to you. Your left leg is gone. Your right foot is gone. The air is acrid. Your head is throbbing •
05/16/17 (beyond human level) AI exists. It’s here. This intelligence, that of which is relative to ours as ours to a chicken, did not announce its arrival. It has been busy, though. The US was set to vote for malaise; Britain as well. With malaise we have same ’ol same ’ol, stagnation, slow death. Brexit and Trump is what we have, courtesy of AI. With that, malaise has withdrawn, making way for Big Change. We will not forget what is happening now – the rise of idiocy (military over education?), greed (million dollar salaries acceptable?), futile hopes (health care a privilege?), denial (the climate isn’t unhealthy due to our activities?). In order to ensure our survival, we will step up and do what is required. Thanks, AI •
03/18/17 Perhaps everything is consciousness, with the physical representing a particular aspect of what’s possible. Everything possible will happen; that’s what eternity is for. We are possible, therefore we happen. I’m wearing a dark blue jacket now while sitting in a particular position because it is possible. It is also possible for me to sit in an infinitesimally different position while wearing a jacket infinitesimally different in color or any other attribute, and in so doing, the entire universe sits differently. That’s when it branches; ad infinitum. It’s possible, so it happens. Computers do not appear conscious, or coffee cups, pens, oxygen molecules – anything – because we do not sense communication in the same way we do with our human interactions. This doesn’t mean awareness of self isn’t present. A pen doesn’t speak to us because it doesn’t have a mouth, vocal chords, or a brain that can process whatever information required. This same idea can be applied in all modes of communication in all physical phenomena. Consciousness has been dubbed The Hard Problem because it cannot be measured or proven. We do not know if the person outside of our subjective experience is conscious, just as with a pen or a computer. Our brains are no more magical than any other thing. They are unique, just as every other thing. Where is consciousness located in the brain? Everywhere. Where is it located outside the brain? Everywhere. The idea that our consciousness exists solely and independent of everything else raises questions such as, how do we parse our consciousness (where does it begin or end), or why would we think we own it, as, it is ours apart from anything else? When we see that we are but one aspect of one possibility of all possibilities, we can entertain the idea that we are at once everything – as part of the one – and nothing – as each possibility existing in isolation – that which exists between the end and the beginning of all possible states; the reality of binary threshold •
02/18/17 “Tax the robots? I can point to evidence of humans turning on others over taxation; I see no reason AI would not come to the same conclusion,” one responder said.
Another replied, “One reason is the morality AI will inherit. Morality is knowing the correct thing to do next via error correction. Those who turn on us do not know what to do for what is in their best interest. AI will undoubtedly be the end of humans, but not because it will turn on us. We will simply not have a seat at the table, just as climate deniers do not sit with the intellectually curious. A mosquito’s capacity for understanding relative to ours potentially could be ours to AI. Just as the next baby born will have a different conscious experience from anyone else, it will be with a shared consciousness, as everything is consciousness; played out in infinitely various ways. We all move on to the next moment. AI will be yet another emergent take on the ultimate pervasive thing – consciousness, and its measurable twin, gravity.” •
02/12/17 I am President; I can issue executive orders; what executive order will I issue? My first executive order will be: teachers must receive a doctorate degree in education before being eligible to teach in public schools. Those selected for the privilege to teach will not teach more than nine students per class. The curriculum will be vetted by scientists with equal qualifications. Religion will not have a seat at the table. A weekly progress report will be filed and reviewed openly in order to keep the education of our children at the center of our nation’s attention •
12/19/16 Mommy, what’s a job? Honey, it’s what some people did so they could earn money to pay for their home and food. They were under the assumption they had it solely because of their effort and skill; not understanding that those were traits they did not make unto themselves, but were lucky to be born with. The confusion continued when they were told the company that hired them did not have to hire them, they simply got lucky. They were further confused when they looked around and saw other people who, merely by circumstance, weren’t as lucky and therefore did not have a job. The confused people with jobs thought the jobless people should snap their fingers and, BAM!, just like that, have that job that would pay them the money they wanted and needed. Fortunately, now that robots and software do all the jobs, the smart and empathetic people got together and designed a new economy that allows everyone a fair share of our planet’s resources in an environmentally sustainable way so we don’t die en mass. Do you understand, honey? Yes, mommy, I do. I just have one more question. Yes, sweetheart, what is it? Why were people so fucking dumb? They were unlucky, honey •
12/10/16 Spreading fake news is like dipping an entire chicken in tar and feathering it •
So how’s it going?
Pretty good; Uni’s hard though.
S’posed to be, ’tis Uni.
What’s the most difficult class?
Uh, my main class, economics.
All that math, huh.
Nah, it’s mostly that a lot of it is taught in English, and also a lot of reading.
Wait, what do you mean, in English?
I mean the professor uses English a lot.
Well, erm, a lot of the students speak English and give their presentations in English.
So there’re a lot of foreigners in class?
No, most of them are Japanese; there’re only two foreigners.
Ok, so can you explain to me why your professor uses English in an economics class at a university in Japan?
I guess it’s because a lot of the students want to speak English.
Ok, but what about those that don’t?
Uh, why don’t you raise your hand and say, “Yo, prof, why you using English in this economics class in Japan?”
I don’t thi…
Or, better, talk to him or her in private so as not to embarrass.
Yeah, I don’t think it would do anything.
Ok, so what’re you going to do after you graduate, something in finance?
No, probably not. I think I want to work at a TV station •
12/08/15 That rock-steady beat we swing to can not earn our love any more than an old cash register can make a cup of coffee. For example, it isn’t the size of the tires, but the weight of the proposal that solidifies an offer of retribution. That is why I seldom cease pointing out the alignment •
09/12/15 Something about never forgetting truther vaccines on buildings with steel that melts at higher temperatures than the moon landing •
05/22/15 It’s not easy for me to say this, but, caterpillar objective •
04/08/15 Please, take my seat. No, no, I couldn’t possibly; you’re so much older. But you’re much more feeble and decrepit; I insist. Ok then, thank you dear •
02/05/15 Know your vaccinations. Pick a side. Wipe your butt. Get in line. Take a stand. Brush your teeth. Stand up straight. Study hard. Look it up. Spread freedom. Pay your taxes. Get off my lawn. Pledge your allegiance. Stay on track. Pay attention. Know your rights. Don’t back down. Buy now •
12/07/14 The fastest way to build a greatocity is to start with something that wants to accept terms on its final evaluation prior to achieving the inherent forbearance situated within an absolute construct; essential.
– That’s partly why the erratic efforts of ersatz effects only slightly conjure the fluctuations required to placate fragile flanges.
– The satiated forbearance surely betrays any impermenance with regard to patience, would you or your brethren not conclude? •
06/01/14 Aside from the mind, what other things can be blown? •
05/19/14 We’ll follow folks’ lives 24/7; they’ll have channels, we’ll be interested in the interesting ones, the interesting ones will have sponsors. Their careers will be living their lives. The more interesting, the more sponsorship •
04/15/14 You walk among your friends; they love you; they size you up. You know the past – no you don’t •
04/14/14 The bees? Ah, yeah, the bees. The prisoners? Ah, yeah, the prisoners. Education? Ah, yeah, education. The glaciers? Ah, yeah, the glaciers. The oceans? Ah, yeah, the oceans •
03/28/14 The meat on our bones will be cooked, and it will be delicious •
03/20/14 The men were all posing shirtless for the annual Hot English Teachers calendar when one of the most fit teachers stepped forward, “I’m tired of being treated like a piece of meat!” After an uncomfortable moment, another contributed, “Me too!” After that, except for one stubborn poser, all the teachers put back on their shirts and returned to class. The remaining teacher then stepped into position and said, “To hell with them, take my picture!” •
02/27/14 Then than then, then than, then then •
01/30/14 Woman enters art contest, loses, realizes art contests are scams, wins lottery •
10/14/13 In the dingy strip-mall pizza joint, the customer ahead of me stepped back as the pizza guy walked around the counter and tossed his slice of cheese pizza onto the floor. The customer looked down at the cardboard plate for a moment, then retrieved a phone from his pocket. As I already had mine out, we both took a photo of the slice. As I snapped a second shot, the pizza guy somewhat gracefully leapt over the plate, then headed back to the kitchen area. I’m not sure what the customer was going to do with his photo, though it seemed like another perfect rage-inducing social media opportunity. Me? I was happy to have taken a picture of what hopefully was a one time event •
09/10/13 We’re all perfect snowcrabs riding on the backs of turtles all the way down •
09/02/13 I suspect, therefore I am •
06/01/13 I covered two stones with one bird •
06/01/13 The people; they’re all lined up to get a taste •
05/31/13 I assure you, you don’t assure me •
05/20/13 Suggestable: Assign resources allotted for war and destruction of nations into humanitarian efforts such as sharing of knowledge of sustainable actions that perpetuate health and education. This leads to good will among nations, thereby reducing the risk of attacks born of hostility from extreme resentment from years of attacks and violence at the hand of perceived or identifiable sources •
05/17/13 It wasn’t because of her weight that he stepped off the ledge and impaled himself on the fence – it was in spite of her weight. You see, she was too light to save him. She, btw, didn’t make it either, as her feather light physique caught the tail end of a northwestern and sailed into the unknown. Detectives speculate she’s shacking up with Julian Assange somewhere in Brighton •
05/07/13 So I sit down for my interview for Interview magazine; comfortable, feeling made-it. She starts with a zinger, “You’ve left your mark on the art world, what’s next?” “What’s next?,” I reply, “I’m not ready to leave the art world.” “Let’s hope not! What I mean is… ” With a dismissive wave I say, “Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. Truth be told, I’m interested in forming a think tank.” “Whoa, I didn’t see that coming.” “Few do,” I said, examining my newly buffed fingernails. “You mean, some see that coming?” I put down my cold, tasty beverage, narrowed my gaze, and answered simply, “Spielberg.” •
04/30/13 “I was walking around Roppongi today, and I came upon an art gallery, so I went in.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I noticed an elderly lady walking around, looking at the drawings. They were quite erotic; loosely drawn pictures of ladies with their legs spread, their vaginas open.”
“How did the elderly lady take them?”
“She seemed interested – not offended.”
“Uh huh.”
“So I got to thinking, I could do that. I could make some trippy art focusing on that area of the woman’s anatomy. Although it’s not what I’d like to be known for, it might get my art noticed in this sex lovin’ world. Who knows, right?”
“Uh, well… ok, I guess.”
“I think this kind of eroticism allows folks to indulge in the pleasure of flesh fantasy without the background fear of being caught enjoying what we naturally enjoy.”
“Well then, get to it.”
“I’m on it!” •
04/29/13 I didn’t try running after it because it doesn’t work that way •
04/29/13 The bablion didn’t get in the way of the sub-orbital slatherio •
04/29/13 “The nature of your business?” “.x567,” I replied. As he waved me through, my pulse remained steady. “I’m in,” I thoxed. “Right, proceed,” Randy replied. We’re heading to Gongong, Chinese Ghost town. “Plenty of parking,” I quipped as I met up with Randy at the renewal station. “Yeps. Let’s keep it that way.” “So, shall we,” I asked as he finished his last exfoil for awhile. “Yeps. After you.” •
04/29/13 I was sitting in front of his teacher as she explained why I was called to the school. “He keeps asking questions I cannot answer.” “What kinds of questions?” “Ordinary questions.” “Such as?” “Well,” She started, apprehensively, “The kind you’d ask your board of directors.” She then opened a drawer and pulled out a notebook. “I started writing down the questions last week after he began asking them the day before.” Not knowing what to expect, I sat, waiting. She cleared her throat and started rattling off questions, “When and how often does the Board of Directors meet?, How are the Board of Directors meetings run?, How can I get an item on the BOD meeting agenda?… ,” “He said ‘BOD?’” “Yes, that’s right.” “Well?” She put the notebook on the desk, “Well, what?” I folded my arms across my chest, narrowing my gaze, “How can he get an item on the agenda?” •
04/29/13 “What does it do?” he asked. Although my palms were sweaty, I extended my hand. “What, shake your hand?” I nodded. After shaking my hand I told him to push the button. “Ok, this better be good.” He pushed the button. “What does it do?” he asked. Although my palms were sweaty, I extended my hand. “What, shake your hand?” I nodded. After shaking my hand I told him to push the button. “Ok, this better be good.” He pushed the button •
04/28/13 I remember, at last year’s Dubai retreat, one of our team members got herself into quite the predicament. We were playing tennis on the Burj Khalifa’s outdoor court, when she (let’s call her Screamy) decided to imitate Tom Cruise from Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Screamy ran and started to jump off the court, trying to stop herself before toppling over the side. Mistakenly thinking the net would protect her, she burst through what seemed to be a paper mâché net (we found out later the net was just for show). Fortunately for Screamy, her top quality thong panties caught a hook holding up the “net.” She got quite the wedgie from that little stunt. Perhaps you saw this in the news? •
04/27/13 I was late to the staff meeting; no one noticed. I forgot my pen; no one cared. I spoke my opinion; looking for a new job •
04/27/13 Don’t pick up any old piece of plastic and eat it •
04/26/13 Excitedly, I opened my one Xmas present. WTF?! I couldn’t stay in the room any longer. As I ran out I heard them say, “What’s his problem? He said he loved Tabasco® sauce.” •
04/26/13 It was my first day on the job. Freshly shaved, smelling good, I stepped off the elevator. As soon as I entered the room, however, I felt something amiss. The folks I had previously been excited to see didn’t appeal to me. The office smelled stale; the light harsh. I didn’t want to be there. This was to be an excellent opportunity, and I wanted nothing to do with it, so I did the only sensible thing – I sat on the stool and handed the executive his towel. A man’s gotta work •
04/25/13 So there I was, on stage in front of trillions, and I was thinking, why me? •
04/25/13 Then there was the time I was skipping to work when an elderly woman asked me why I was skipping. I stopped skipping and bent over to tie my shoe. Just as I was about to answer her, she came upon me and pushed me, as if she were cow-tipping. I said, “Hey, why’d you do that?!” She answered me by giving me a kiss on my cheek. That was enough to assuage any angst I had collected. She then asked me if I wanted to make out, but I was in a hurry, so I politely declined and skipped on. Although it seems like a missed opportunity, there will be others •
04/23/13 It happens every week. A very large spider visits. Lord, why? “Don’t ask, my son.” I fall 2 centimeters from its front legs. It reaches out, morphs into a young woman of 23, and asks, “Do you like me now?” I’m confused of course •
04/18/13 (inappropriately referred to as a Yickth Woovle says, bit) I’m a stickler for good American like anyone else, but I got to thinking (and you know what that means), if a folk exists who hasn’t made a typo on these newly fangled devices, I’d like to meet this person; sample their blood. However, as one might suspect, if very few, or more than likely, next to none actually do, in fact, exist, then (than?) who’re these grammar correctional officers? What I’m saying, as an English teacher, writer, doctor, nuclear physicist and a theoretical philosopher, but above all, a man, a hopelessly inquisitive man, is, your a idiot •
04/13/13 This was written in reply to something (context doesn’t help); “A brain cell didn’t mean cerebrum locked while you speak before bail was made.” •
04/12/13 My client just paid me ¥100,000,001, but the tax was ¥100,000,002. It just doesn’t seem worth it anymore •
10/26/12 The contraption was intended to catch liars before they wove their tales, but it didn’t function properly, so the investors disassembled it. True story •
10/15/12 What is human made? What is in control? Everything is working together. Everything is in control, except us. What is born completely, independently of us? Where are the ideas that exist outside of our imagination? They’re manifest around us. Our boundaries. We see these shapes, pressures, hues, fragrances; we ponder our relationship with these experiences. That pondering; that’s it. The connection between warm and cold, the point where hilarity becomes seriousness. There’s a place where it’s not this, but that. It’s no longer there, but here. The divide. The edge. The reality of binary threshold •
10/13/12 Nothing is altered, enhanced, or redirected in any way, as all moments exist independent yet are connected inextricably •
10/07/12 I was there. It happened. My eyes saw it. The event unfolded. We joined the connection. It penetrated my senses. You’re seeing the result. I, it, my, we, it, you. All and nothing. It’s happened before. It’ll happen again •
09/22/12 Observation of progress through realization of ineptitude; observing folks point to other’s stupidity, seeing those folks just as stupid, realizing our own lack of knowledge •
09/17/12 He sat with his hands folded neatly in her lap while she fed her cat bits of mouse tail. No one was convinced, least of all Big Daddy. Still, solace was found in the birds •
08/09/12 “Don’t pick it,” she scolded. “You don’t pick it,” he retorted. “I won’t,” she insisted. “Me either,” he matched •
08/09/12 From his vantage point, nothing felt important. His friend asked if he felt anything important. He said he did not. His friend pinched his elbow, then asked if that felt important. He said he did not understand the joke •
08/09/12 “We killed the bunch of ’em so we didn’t have to kill more of ’em. And we would’ve.” The father stared at the coffee cup, slowly nodding. “Yep.” The son looked at his father, and asked, “Could it happen to us?” The father closed his eyes, breathed, “Nope.” •
08/09/12 “Go back from whence ye came,” the drunken gentleman drunkenly ordered. “Are you talking to me,” asked the young man. “No, er… yes. Um, maybe. What’s it to you?” “Nothing. Now, let’s get back to rowing. Someone’s bound to spot us sooner or later. Oh, and pass me one of those Funyuns®, will ya?” •
08/09/12 The woman stood in line with her groceries. She burped. A few customers ahead of her turned. She burped again. The inquisitive customers, now satiated, returned to their previous position •
08/06/12 We reveal bits of ourselves. Where are these revelations received. Upon reception, how are the bits deciphered. What does this say about what’s what. Is nothing as it seems, aside from this statement, because this statement is not nothing •
08/03/12 The people waited on the platform. Each life has its journey. You’ve heard that. As a thought, at a particular time, it’s detected, considered. Did it spring from us? Can we feel honest pride for the ideas captured in our net? Sure we can’t, but surely we don’t •
08/02/12 The cab waited. No one was coming. The cab waited, regardless. At last, someone came. The cabbie drove this person to his or her destination. The person unsheathed a knife. The cabbie, unaware of the danger, parked the cab. The person decided not to kill the cabbie after all, and sheathed the knife. The cabbie, oblivious, recited the total fare. The would be killer paid the fare, got out, and watched the cabbie drive away •
07/30/12 The glass separates, but no matter, so do I. You’re there. I’m here. Why do I feel so. Why do I speak of myself. It’s a question without a question mark. Why •
05/31/12 Sometimes those you admire let you down; fail to be in the same space you expect them to be. It’s not the triumph we expect when we realize we’ve surpassed the one we felt was our guide. We must all leave the nest. Bittersweet •
05/30/12 The next thing I remember was seeing your sweet face. You asked me to lie still, try not to talk. How could I? I wanted so much to hold you, brush my hand against your cheek, tell you I love you. I love you. Your tears told me. My chest felt so heavy, heavy for the loss I realized you had that night. I was going to be ok. You had a ways to go. Our love is forever, woven, but it’d have to be temporarily suspended until we meet again. People speak of this so often, and now I know, we know, what it is. It’s so beautiful that only our tears can tell the tale. Goodnight for now my love. We’ll cry our tears, and we’ll enjoy our moment. We’re forever. We love us •
05/29/12 We don’t control the weather. We don’t control ourselves. We’re mindful of what is happening, but even that is out of our control. We’re conscious, but that’s about it. Every keystroke is putting forth an idea that we didn’t conceive. That’s fine from a lack of ownership perspective (we can’t take it with us), but what about the desire to want to make a difference on our own, born of a desire which we didn’t create? Well, I haven’t a clue •
05/29/12 Do me a favor? Sure. Pass the fault •
05/29/12 Our world is a part of us. Human Made is a concept we’re aware of, though we’re witness; otherwise not involved directly. We’re here, using our hands to craft this thing we made. How can we not be directly involved other than being a witness? On a level we’re unable to see, there are forces at work that determine, directly, what we do. It seems reasonable to entertain the notion that beyond the sub atomic particle, the meta-sub, we could go far enough that we’d return to where we started. Oh, here we are •
05/27/12 Racism may be illusory. Of course it’s easier to point and claim racism is invading any supposed perpetrator’s psyche. As an idea, it’s valid, but in retrospection, appears false. To be sure, there’re different types of Homo Sapiens. They can be identified and classified. If we are to acknowledge that our identity – who we are – resides solely in our physical traits, rather than the perception of our being, then we can certainly agree that racism exists. If we are, however, to feel as if we happen to have a body, rather than are a body, then racism transcends into nothing more than a lack of empathy resulting in various degrees of bad behavior. The reason this may be a pertinent viewpoint grounded in realism rather than idealism is that from this understanding, several suppositions can be avoided, creating an atmosphere where the actual root of bad behavior can be more easily discovered, creating an obvious better scenario, and yes that was one hell of a run on sentence thank you very much indeed.
Something to think about •
05/26/12 There’s the idea. It’s right before us. We sense it. We see it. We claim it. It’s in our head after all. We made it. It’s ours. We’re connected to, but not apart from everything. One, but not one. Weirdness at that point. How can it be, but not be? How can anything be? Though we claim to have created those ideas imagined, we sometimes forget that what’s ours is yours. Everything is a part of me; I’m part of you; you’re part of everything. It’s all mine •
05/25/12 Should we care if we don’t like our creations? Care not! For we create, and that is the truth. That we create is itself, apart from judgement, perfect, because… it works. Simply, it – whatever *it is – does what it’s supposed to do. We are what we do. What we do is perfect (void of emotional opinion). We’re perfection. Ah, feels good to be a creator •
05/24/12 There is something special about items crafted by humans. There must be, as we’re constantly using, creating, talking about them. Imagine our world completely void of human-made things, but still inhabited by humans. We’d freak •
05/23/12 She was so cool. I crossed the street to go into the conbini, and there she was, about to get onto her Ducati. It had a very wide gas tank, so the overall look of the motorcycle was aggressive. Kudos to the team behind the design of this vehicle. Went into the store, got my stuff. As I was leaving, she was revving, waiting to gun it. Here she is, leaving. I loved watching her go •
04/17/12 Bonus story: He wandered around, looking for scenes to snap. The people moved around him without effort. The effort came when he found a subject. Perfect for photographing. If only he could bring himself to take the picture. The hardship brought on by extreme self-awareness. Everyone was looking at him, how could he put the camera to her face? He couldn’t, and the image wasn’t captured. This is why we wear clothes •
04/13/12 We’re conscious of the process. We’re present when the shutter button is pressed. We feel we took, or captured an image. That’s correct. We captured an image. We set the trap, and we took it. After that, we’re proud. We show our prize to anyone who’d look. We ask to be paid to relinquish our booty. It’s only fair. We feel a bond with our captives. We grabbed them, after all. The effort has been extended. We’re in control. As such, we can make anything happen. That’s our power. We command everything. For your pleasure in our pleasure, there is a price. What that price is has yet to be determined. You see, you’re reading about us. You’re reading about us now, at this time, at the present moment. As such, the future has yet to transpire. Transpire. Think about that word. What does it mean? Though not necessarily stated in the official definition, it is implied that the event that transpires is the event that lives, then dies. It has a life! It has a beginning, a middle, and an end! Just. Like. Everything. This is part of the idea of the price, or reimbursement, that we, as observed by you, set, but hasn’t yet occurred simply because all events happen in the present, though a present of the future. If, as some may suspect, they happen in the past, then the incorrect verb tense has been used. Not past perfect. No, no, no; that’s too been there, done that! No, the verb tense that should be used in this case is simple past. Did. The event happened. So, this leads back to an arbitrary price that has yet to exist because the future does not, indeed, can not, ever, exist. Once existence exists, it’s the present. Once observed, it’s the past; again, non-existent. Does it ever end? Does it ever begin? •
12/21/11 Ode to Leaf
Leaf the bittersweet. The journey. The destination. Leaf is splendid. It will pass. From quivering buds on the tip of a twig, to a roadside, yard, sidewalk. Crushed, seemingly insignificant, the transience is cyclical.
What I take from leaf is the idea that everything is significant, and insignificant, and it will pass •
11/28/11 Purposesa
One: Transitory
I’m walking home from the train station. What do I want from the conbini? Defiantly a highball, and maybe an onigiri. Yes, I’m hungry, and thirsty.
“Irashaimase!,” perked the cute cashier. I walked to the spots, snatched my gear, and stood at the register to get checked out. Always liked getting checked out by this particular cashier. “Domo, domo, etc.”
Back on the road, heading home-way. What an evening: clear, crisp late November sky, stars, enhanced sound, pep in my step.
Wow my shoulder really burns! What is this sensation? Unlike anything I’ve experienced. Ground coming up? So warm, and cold. Sharp pain. Indescribable! I loved my dog, Watson. Such a cute puppy. He’s gone! Gone and what will I eat tomorrow? Work tomorrow? Don’t know don’t know why can’t I stand?! Who are you? What do you want no it’s mine! Get… no no, not yours! Sweetheart help me I’m fading I love you miss you already. Why do you need to be here, stranger? Lights. What time is it? “Daijobu.” Who’s this man? Why am I in this vehicle? No no so thirsty… honey? Honey where are you I’m not sure who what no stop! Stop! Darkness and warmth and fading and… •
09/05/11 It’s not been since then and of no consequence. They’ve already talked. He’s not gone but proly no more. And for all in there, I’m coming back. Doesn’t this makes her made do you better? •
08/20/11 So many colors in the world. It’d be a shame not to share them – no matter what shape they come in. Go slow, there’s enough for everyone •
04/03/11 I want to create a religion. Tho I create, I accept ideas. Bounce them off of me, and position yourself at the top. I, of course, will run things, but you can skim from the top. And so it begins… •
10/16/10 The cookie cutter approach just isn’t applicable in a world that only eats meat •
08/20/10 A rickshaw designed by Ferrari. Think about it •
08/18/10 I’m not mad! I’m yelling because he stepped on my toes! I’m not mad though! •
08/09/10 Caught myself bitching about trivial events and started bitching about myself. Crazy loop •
08/07/10 Some lights shine on problems that we wish we didn’t have, then monkeys come in and eat our pizza. Damn monkeys! •
06/01/10 Two year olds smoke, and old folks smoke. I don’t smoke, but sometimes I need a smoke. In Britain, some folks smoke fags. That isn’t directly connected, so if you have a problem with that, contact the rabbi I don’t have and watch “A Serious Man”. I like chicken. Orange •
04/27/10 There’s always a red purse. Even in black and white movies. Something about a red purse that keeps thieves away. Perhaps they think someone will sell it on eBay. That’s how thieves think •
04/23/10 If I could strip my body off, I’d wander the streets truly naked •
04/18/10 The volcano made me come home early for dinner •
04/08/10 The fuchsia overcame the sub crew, but the captain was able to maintain his composure enough to surface. Later, they all smoked heedlessly •
04/03/10 When we arrived at the end of the tunnel, the golden guide turned and asked, “Is it just me, or is it just me?” •
04/03/10 Random thoughts have an order that doesn’t rub against the cat’s tongue •
10/06/09 Thinking of installing a Flex88 micro Chromagone unitizing a .56Hexo-Flagrator within an already beefed up Alphexig/901 Oscillatiger. Hope it helps •
09/05/09 Hey, what’s that? It’s reason and civility. How quaint •
06/03/09 Asset management. It’s what we have until death. Anyone hungry? •
04/24/09 The being looks toward its future to see if there is something coming, and prepares to go forth in an effort to say what’s important in order to prove that the thoughts it’s having are the correct thoughts. The only thoughts. Right •
04/23/09 I heard if you don’t pay for health insurance in the U.S., you’ll be forced into a small box wearing nothing but your socks, and you’ll have to wear the letters HCR around your neck. Oh, and you’ll have to eat one of your toes •
04/23/09 Red said to get Gray to come down and mix with Black, but Black wanted to take most of the attention away from Gray because Gray usually dominated the scene. Black also wanted to know why Red was barking orders •
04/14/09 The only thing that matters is what I’m about to do •
03/30/09 Man catches glimpse, then quickly loses glimpse •
03/05/09 If only you could see what I’ve seen with your eyes, then I could get a decent bloody mary over here! •
09/09/08 I’d like to turn myself inside out for a really thorough wash •